The product range
Our Products
The product range has expanded and evolved over the decades since the company was founded. From the first plantings of table grapes with tree and espalier training systems, the company moved on to the production of Italian table grapes cultivated in canopy systems and finally to the current diversification of production, which mainly focuses on table grapes, peaches, nectarines and apricots.
Agricolture 4.0
Constantly evolving
We place the rationalization of energy and water resources at the centre of our present and future choices. Agriculture and progress coexist in all production processes and in harvesting, packaging and logistic.
Smart Irrigation
The production is managed by a centralized intelligent irrigation system. This system also allows us to carry out treatments with extreme precision, based on actual need, enabling us to aim for zero residue for all our products.
Integrated Production
The process of modernizing production is constantly evolving. All choices are guided by the objective of pursuing integrated pest management to maintain increasingly strict standards and specifications in defense of consumers and the environment.
Preserving Freshness
The company is equipped with 1100 square meters of cold storage rooms, plus a blast chiller that can reach a temperature of 3°C in 3 hours. The cold rooms are all equipped with humidifiers to maintain an ideal climate during temporary storage.

For the green and the future
100% Green
A 250 Kw/h photovoltaic system meets the energy needs of the new facility and the installed machinery, including 1100 square meters of cold rooms and 4 processing lines with a total of 44 workstations.
We rate everything
Look the numbers
Each year, Lodico Fruits manages to harvest several thousand tonnes of fruit from its own land, which is carefully selected, preserved and packaged for export to major Italian and international markets.

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